In FY24, Landcom embarked on a journey to refurbish the two levels of its 60 Station Street tenancy in Parramatta. Sustainability was front and centre from the outset, with early ambition aiming to reuse as many materials as possible, promote health and well-being through biophilic design, divert as much waste as possible from landfill and to encourage Indigenous procurement through considered choices.
Upon completion, the project team achieved amazing results including:
- A final waste diversion of 95.6%, leveraging key contractors aimed at demolition, circular economy, waste management and e-waste solutions;
- 100% diversion of key materials including aluminum, concrete, glass, metal and plasterboard;
- Reuse of 51% of the total items (525 out of 1,032 items) recovered from the refurbishment;
- Diversion from landfill of 100% of the e-waste as part of the refurbishment.
Furthermore, during the course of the refurbishment, the team managed to achieve a 12% spend on Aboriginal owned businesses for items such as flooring, work stations and other furnishings against an original target of just 3%.
Image: Landcom staff utilising refurbished office spaces